Science Progress

Science 8

Grade 8 students investigate machines and the human body. From machines that use energy, to the transport of solutions, to the functioning of the eye, your teen will see first-hand how science affects their daily life, their career and their future. They will investigate the structure of living things, from the smallest cells to the more complex systems in the human body. Also, they examine the interactions among water, land and climate to better understand the distribution and health of living things, and they’ll learn to appreciate how the knowledge and skills they are applying in class have led to advances in medical and mechanical technologies. For more information about Science 8, refer to the Program of Studies

Science 9

Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that help them understand and interpret the world around them. Students learn and apply basic concepts from units on Biodiversity, Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Electricity and Space. Through their studies, students learn how to experiment, evaluate, and apply scientific problem-solving skills to real world problems. The Grade 9 program develops three common themes: the nature of science, science and technology, and science and society. For more information about Science 9, refer to the Program of Studies

Senior High Science Courses

Students are required by Alberta Education to complete Science 10 before taking another science course at the 20 and 30 level: Biology, Chemistry, or Physics. Students who desire all three science courses, that is, Biology 30, Chemistry 30 and Physics 30, will have time for very few other options in their timetable and should consider beginning a 20 – level course in their grade 10 year (Biology or Chemistry).

Science 10 (5 credits)

The major theme of Science 10 is the interaction of matter and energy as reflected in the diversity, equilibrium, and change of various systems. The purpose of the course is to help students develop their scientific curiosity, analytical skills, and knowledge in preparation for higher level courses. Science 10 consists of four units of study: Climate Change, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. From successful completion of Science 10, students will be able to choose the 20 level science(s) to which they are best suited, based on ability and interests. For more information about Science 10, refer to the Program of Studies.


Biology 20 (5 credits)

Prerequisite: 50% in Science 10.

This course deals with two major themes: Ecology and Human Physiology. Units include the Biosphere, Ecosystems, Evolution, Photosynthesis, Cell Respiration, Digestion, Respiratory, Motor, Circulation, Excretion, Gas Exchange, and Musculoskeletal Systems. The next course in this sequence is Biology 30. For more information about Biology 20, refer to the Program of Studies.


Biology 30 (5 credits)

Prerequisite: Recommended 60% minimum in Biology 20 and completion of Math 10 is recommended.

This course expands on selected concepts from Biology 20 and introduces new concepts in human physiology. Units covered include the Nervous and Endocrine systems that regulate homeostasis, Reproduction, Embryonic development, Cell division, Genetics and Population Dynamics. A diploma exam worth 30% of their mark is written at the end of the course. For more information about Biology 30, refer to the Program of Studies.


Chemistry 20 (5 credits)

Prerequisite: 50% in Science 10. 

It is recommended the students have finished Math 10 or are taking it concurrently. This course deals with topics such as solutions, gases, stoichiometry, bonding and acids and bases. The next course in this sequence is Chemistry 30. For more information about Chemistry 20, refer to the Program of Studies.


Chemistry 30 (5 credits)

Prerequisite: Recommended 60% minimum in Chemistry 20 

This course is more theoretical in nature than Chemistry 20; it enables students to be aware of chemistry in their lives and environment. Core topics include a study of the various aspects of chemical reactions including energy of reactions, organic chemistry, chemical equilibrium, and oxidation-reduction reactions. Students are required to do extensive lab work to support the theoretical side of the course. A diploma exam worth 30% of their mark is written at the end of this course. For more information about Chemistry 30, refer to the Program of Studies.


Physics 20 (5 credits)

Prerequisite: Recommended 60% minimum in Science 10.

Due to the strong algebraic skills required for success in Physics 20 it is also recommended that students have a 65% in Math 10C The Physics 20 course is a study of uniform motion, accelerated motion, object in free fall, projectile motion, circular motion, simple harmonic motion, mechanical energy, mechanical waves and the dynamics of motion. This course is very useful for athletes to better understand the underlying physical basis of their sport. For more information about Physics 20, refer to the Program of Studies


Physics 30 (5 credits)

Prerequisite: Recommended 65% minimum in Physics 20.

The Physics 30 course is a comprehensive course of study that requires an understanding of physical theory as well as a strong ability to solve problems. The core topics include the conservation of momentum, the nature of light, electric fields and forces, electromagnetism, theories of the nature of the atom, wave-particle duality, the structure of the nucleus, radioactivity, and the standard model of matter. Interested students will find a rich and rewarding experience in this course. A diploma exam worth 30% of their mark is written at the end of this course. For more information about Physics 30, refer to the Program of Studies.


Science 30 (5 credits)

Science 30 extends the application of biological, chemical, physical and earth sciences from Science 10 and applies them to current world scenarios. It analyzes interactions in biological, chemical, physical and global energy systems. It emphasizes scientific literacy and prepares you for post-secondary programs. One pre-requisite is required: Biology 20, Chemistry 20, or Physics 20. For more information about Science 30, refer to the Program of Studies